[. . . ] Eudora® Email 7. 1 Quick Start Guide for Windows 1 Quick Start Guide for Windows This Quick Start Guide shows how to install and configure the Eudora® software. It also provides keystroke shortcuts and basic email procedures such as sending and receiving messages. TIP: The best way to use this Quick Start Guide is to PRINT it and keep it nearby when installing, configuring, and using Eudora. Finding Information You can find more information about Eudora in the Eudora Email 7. 1 User Manual for Windows. The manual is available in Portable Document Format (PDF) on the Eudora web site. To access the manual 1. [. . . ] · Email Address--Enter the email address that has been assigned to you by your ISP or your email administrator. Email addresses are generally of the form username@domainname, and rmonte@myfirm. com for example. · User Name--Enter the name that you will use to log in to this email account. This name is provided by your ISP or your email administrator, and it usually consists of the text that appears before the at sign (@) in your return email address. · Incoming Email Server--All of your incoming email messages are delivered to your incoming email account, which resides on a computer that runs your incoming email server. Once your messages arrive at your mail account, Eudora retrieves them to your computer. Your incoming email server must use one of the two Internet-mail communications protocols: POP or IMAP. If you are not sure which protocol it uses, choose POP; you can always change this later. In the edit box, type the full name of the computer that runs your incoming email server (for example, server. myfirm. com). If you chose IMAP in the previous setup panel, an IMAP Mailbox Location Prefix may be required to indicate the location of your personal mailboxes on the IMAP server. If so, enter the location prefix as given to you by your ISP or email administrator. When you click Finish in the final window, your new IMAP email account is set up. If you chose POP in the previous setup window, click Finish in the final window, and your new POP email account is set up. Once you have completed setting up your account via the New Account Wizard, you are now ready to receive messages. However, you may need to take an additional step to send messages. 9 Quick Start Guide for Windows · Outgoing Email Server--All of your outgoing email messages are sent through a specific server, usually an SMTP server. However, your outgoing server may be the same as your incoming server. If you're not sure what your outgoing server's name is, use the incoming server's name. If the computer that runs your POP or IMAP server also runs an SMTP server, then no additional setup action is required. · To use Eudora in Paid mode, click Paid Mode (costs money, no ads). Eudora displays the Eudora web site for you to purchase Eudora, or if you have previously entered a Paid code that is valid for this version, Eudora switches to Paid mode . · To use Eudora in Light mode, click Light Mode (free, fewer features). 11 Quick Start Guide for Windows Eudora changes to Light mode by shutting down certain features. The features that are disabled are listed in the Downgrading to Eudora Light dialog box. [. . . ] The Subject field and message body are also completed based on the original message. Type the addresses of the people to whom you wish to redirect the message in the To field. The existing text may be edited, and more text may be added to the message. NOTE: Email courtesy suggests that you not do much editing of the message you're redirecting. [. . . ]